Our Services
Grief Counseling
Grief is a natural and often powerful response to loss, slowing us down to allow our mind, body and inner spirit to absorb and adjust to a life-changing event. Taking time to grieve is a part of the healing process.
Each one of us will experience loss and grief throughout our lives. These losses are important and should be acknowledged, honored, mourned, and integrated into our lives. Our lives will not be the same as they were before the loss.
We specialize in grief counseling and grief-related services, providing a compassionate, nonjudgmental and supportive environment for those who are grieving.
See What Happens in Grief Counseling? for additional information.
Prolonged Grief
Prolonged grief is an intense and persistent form of grief. The circumstances of the loss, the relationship with the person who died, the griever’s loss history and a number of other factors can contribute to a prolonged grief experience.
Some signs of prolonged grief are difficulty functioning in daily life, intense emotional pain, loneliness, prolonged shock and numbness, feeling “stuck” or very lost in grief, or feeling like grief is getting worse rather than softening or easing. If this describes your grief experience and it has been a year or longer since your loved one died, you may be suffering prolonged grief.
There is hope. People experiencing prolonged grief can benefit greatly from professional help and support.
Debriefing Services
If your organization or group has experienced death or loss, we can help your employees or group members to process what has happened, reflect on the impact, and begin the healing process.
Grief Workshops, Trainings, Consultations
Could your organization benefit from grief education or training? Is your group looking for an interactive grief workshop? Give us a call - we will tailor our services to fit your needs and interests.